Monday, June 27, 2011

Chapter 13: Men's Summer Project 2011 Series: This Ain't NO Beach Project, Dawg! (Part 2)...Week 5

Five weeks are in the books and we are actually closing in on the midway point. If project ended this week, I could tell a ton of stories. Here a recap of a busy week and an awesome camping trip...

Had a chance to work a full week at Freddie's this past week. There really hasn't been any co-workers that are working on shift but I'm still getting to know and I'm beginning to know their names. On the flip side, I'm getting to the members who are on project (guys) a lot better, had a good conversation with one of them the other day and it was pretty good. Me and him talked about what got us to Juneau and other things so it was good practice. As for the week in general, last Sunday went to Glacier Valley then we had a choice afterwards to eat back on campus or in town because our friends who cooks lunch for us isn't won't be back for a while but the food after church has really good. Monday night we had our usual group session and we had the opportunity to ask questions to the female panel about how to treat women the right way if you know what I'm talking about. The questions were about things like respecting ladies, marriage, etc. I felt like I got something out of the meeting; there's is something new I learn everyday whether your single or in a relationship you can apply it to real life. Tuesday night meeting we did a group activity where there was about 5 or 6 groups those groups became countries such as USA, China, Middle East just some of the places that were involved and we had to break people in and out of the countries and try to at least bring them to the US. The bread was one of the key factors in that; once you had the bread in possession you can leave the country your in...I was part of the China group I actually did leave the country. The point of the activity was that the gospel isn't available to everyone around the world, countries (some) have different rules that you have to go by. Some people won't be able to leave the countries, but there are people who are called to do mission work and spread the gospel.

Wednesday, after our weekly meeting we had a little dance party for our CRU and that was a lot of fun. I had a chance to show a little bit of skills; coming from me I don't dance to often, lol. Thursday, during "Man Time" we listen to a little sermon by Tim Keller about singleness and marriage. This sermon really open my eyes to what singleness or being married really means. One of the main point brought up in the discussion was independence giving up that part to becoming one with someone you love. This past weekend, I took part in an epic camping trip full of just relaxing and hanging out with my fellow guys from project. The weekend was more about really getting a chance to fish for most of the guys. I never did any fishing before in my life and Saturday I had a chance to fish and at the same time ride on a boat for the 1st time as well. I have broken a lot of barriers on this trip overcoming fears things like that, it's been a lot of fun. Water and I don't get along but riding on the water was awesome on the other side I didn't catch any fish but I caught some crab Saturday night. One of the crabs pinch me, it kind of hurt but at I though that he was going to rip my skin off while trying to get the crab off the back off my hand! Sunday, I went whale watching with a guy named Graig and some of my buddys Cody, Trey, and Brady. We saw a whale breach from water to midair...he lifted his ENTIRE body off the water it was eye opening. Being on water was pretty good I spent half the weekend on water not on that it was deep sea that was something else. The trip was just wonderful in general and I had the chance to share my thoughts with the guys on why I came up to Juneau this summer.

Edward's Corner: The title that is on top was change to This ain't no beach project because it was something that I started (it was said from my mouth) earlier in project. My action group was talking about how some of the guys are chillin with the ladies on project and I said "This ain't no beach project, dawg!" Everyone started to laugh and since then everybody is saying it. It's pretty good to start something that everyone's been the motto on this trip, lol...if your wondering if I'm taking any pictures; I have! Tons, I will upload them when I go home. Talk to you guys next week!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chapter 11: Men's Summer Project 2011 Series: Impact (Part 3)

Week #3 of the summer project includes more time of reflection, more camping and time to finally start actual work at my is the recap at the things I did for the past week.

At this point of the project I think I'm starting to find my rhythm in the case of getting into a normal schedule and getting busy able to accomplish some goals set before the summer ends. Last Sunday, again church went well once again. The pastor (Gordon Mills)  pick up right where he left off with putting on your armor for God. Mills mention that when putting on the armor you need protect yourself from arrows such as deception, accusation, full attack mode, and temptation. After that we ate at the Buck's and had seafood over at their place. I had some type of soup with King Crab, a few different types of salmon, potatoes, and onions. It was really, really good never much of a seafood person. But that was good. Monday following that I like the little message that Jason Coorts gave about there are 2 different types of men. In 1 Corinthians 15: 45-49 it talks about 2 different types of Adam. The first Adam was about sinning before God and then the second Adam is all about being a life giver...there is more to come about that topic.

For Manhood Development night we hiked all the way to Mendenhall Glacier and had the opportunity to do the activity out there. Looking at the Glacier from a distance it's a beautiful scene but looking at it from close range it's even amazing. Once we finally got up close to the Glacier we did our activity out there it's pretty much reflecting on what our lives would like after about 60+ years.  The title of this week's post is pretty much about that. On basically how can you make an impact back at home, work with your co-workers, or your campus. While, I sat there looking at the glacier I thought to myself like my image would like after about 50 more years. I don't know quite yet but God will lead me to the path that he wants me to go instead making my own path by myself. So, going up to the Glacier was awesome.

Then, later on in the week me and about 9 other guys finally getting settled in to our summer jobs at this store called Fred Meyer. It's like a grocery store but it's more than that, it's kind of like a big mall. It's bigger than Wal-Mart way bigger. When through orientation and a few old videos, and of course sign paperwork. I will begin work finally on Tuesday finally making some money but at the same time having the opportunity to have a chance to get to know my co-workers.

Action Group night me, James, Cody, Steven, Kyle, and Mike had tacos and Apple pie. Then, we continued with our mini bible study of 1 Timothy Chapter 2-3:13. Which leads to Friday and service day. I went to Salvation Army to help sort clothes with my group that included Spencer, Robert, Chelsea, and Christina. We went there and did some work for about 3 hours then we ate as group and we ate at this pizzeria place which was pretty good. Later on in the evening my action group went out to Douglas Island to go camping for the night and we had a pretty good view of everything! All of the mountains, water, and the view of some of the crew ships was beautiful. We found a good spot on the camp site this time unlike the last time we found a not so good spot.

Saturday, after our group camped out til 10 in the morning we got back to the campus before our outreach night in the city. I paired up with Ann (one of the staff people on project) we had the chance to talk to a few people who were still in town because there was a music concert going on that night. Not a lot of people hanging out on the streets but we did have talk to a few people used the soularium cards. I'm still getting used to those cards and using it as a tool to used it for spiritual conversations, but I'm starting to get comfortable.

To wrap-up Saturday night, Vincent Hoppe (Big Daddy V) gave us a good talk and how God has a heart for all sinners. It was kind of relating to everything in the real world and that each person is created in God's image we are not perfect. We all need a heart for sinners just like Jesus to you guys again next week for more on my summer project.

Edward's Corner...
Finally able to start work this week is a big relief, so I can get in a rhythm and balance out my soon to be day to day busy schedule. I'm taking my time in get to know everyone on our project I'm not in a total hurry but I know all of the guys who are up here in Juneau and sharing our testimony with almost every guy on the trip was been good in our what's called soul-to-soul time where we talk about how we came to know Christ.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Chapter 10: Men's Summer Project 2011 Series: Facing Reality (Part 2)

The second week of summer project really is kind of the actual start of the project and getting down to business a little bit...

The first Sunday up in Juneau, I went to this church called Glacier Valley Baptist Church and I would say that it is pretty solid. The preacher's sermon (Gordon Mills) was about putting on true armor for God. Ephesians 6:10-18 talks about the fact that we need to have a lot more motivation to go to the world and put on the body armor for Christ. The is NO neural ground when wanting to serve for Christ; either you are on his side or not. A person needs to develop good character that way other people can come along and follow you. Mills talked about the fact that every time you go to battle for Christ you put the whole full body armor on. I thought that point was really interesting.

Monday was Monday Night Live; what that is all about is getting the entire group together including the ladies and basically planning the projects and the things that we will be doing over the week. The first week of Manhood Development night also started this week as well (Tuesday Nights) and I thought that we pretty good but at the same time very tough because as guys we need to become one and figure out things together. So, all the guys we were hiking to a certain spot and we came up on this rope and each of us was carrying a log which ended up representing the sins that we have committed in the past and we had to figure out how to get OVER the rope without touching it. The rope was sitting half up the tree going across.

That also includes the the logs not touching the ground either. After about 45 minutes or so, everyone finally got over the rope, this was all about building that team unity learn how to communicate with each other instead of working as an individual. Push ups with the logs on ours backs was tougher I think because of the fact that you or anybody else can't drop the log to the ground or you will as least to one more. After that having quiet time with God me and a lot of us came to our reality that Christ is real and he forgives us for our sins. We don't have to work extremely hard to try to impress him. Christ has done all of the work for us. We need to come before us him and confess our sins.

Went hiking for the first time and it was wonderful. The view looking down on top of the city of Juneau was something else. Somehow, someway so far this summer I have overcome the fear of heights with been on the airplane and then the next going hiking on a mountain. Never done that before so it was been an interesting experience so far that for sure. The same night (Thursday) our action group had dinner cooked by our leader James. Had a really good pasta served up with veggies, bread and root beer.

Camping is something that I haven't done in a long time. Going camping on Friday was pretty good, I mean the fact that we didn't really find a good spot to really camp at, we kind of made our own spot and set up shop for the night. Before we actually went to sleep, my action group went down to the beach and saw a huge whale come out of the ocean. I can actually hear some noise coming out of the whale as it sort of went it's own way. The whale itself would make the same noise when we were about to catch some sleep, but after a while the noise stopped. This project is about to head in to it's 3rd week, until then catch you guys next week as the series continues...God bless.

Green-White-Checkered: 3 Questions or Thoughts about this week or beyond

Green: What is God teaching you so far on this project?
       A: God has taught me quite a few things so far; one of the things that I have learned to this point is being level-headed. People get way to high or low when things start happening. When it comes to talking about the gospel; I'm not a know-it-all type of person. It all about listening to what the other person is saying and giving him or her the type of answers that they would like to hear instead of debating with a person or a group for that matter.

White: What are the mountains like up there in Juneau?
       A: I would say that these mountains are very, very huge. Just looking at them from the outside without even hiking on them can be very intimidating. Hiking on the first mountain Mt. Roberts was nice just to get used to all of the hills and trails. I might be going on a few more hikes before the summer is out.

Checkered: How is the city of Juneau after two weeks?
             A: I would say that it's busy with lots of tourists and other things that are going like crew ships coming in from off the ocean and lots of people coming and going is pretty neat. Doing outreach to a city is very different than a on a college campus but it's one of the good ways to interact with people and get their side of the story.