Monday, May 30, 2011

Chapter 9: Men's Summer Project 2011 Series: Becoming One (Part 1)

As the Men's Summer Project is underway for 11-weeks I will be bringing you up to date on what is happening in Juneau. Week One has been busy so far things look good so far but it will be a challenge...

A day before taking off to Alaska, I was hanging out will one of my friends in Kansas City watching his cousin play baseball. Their team ended up winning the game by if I can remember 3. Then spending some time with my friends nephews house of night ended up falling asleep. Then waking having to get ready for my long flight up to Juneau.

I been to airport before I just haven't been on an actual plane in my life until now. Once I finally got out of security, I was able to get on the plane and sit in between two experience guys who have been traveling on planes for years. But before we were able to take off rain and lightning came and for two hours sitting on the plane became a long wait that I didn't need but I the same time I got a little bit comfortable with sitting on the plane. Having two guys on the plane who were experience felt...well to me felt more relaxing. After the two hour delay we finally take off and I manage to survive the take off and landing to. I never been up that high in the air for so long.

After the plane landed in Seattle, me and 6 other guys from project were called out to leave right away because of the fact that we were about to miss the plane to Juneau. This wasn't really a good start to project but it was a funny way to meet some of the guys who on the same plane with me. Within six minutes we were on the run to make that plane and we did somehow...

The scene up in the air at Juneau was something else, all you can see is the mountain ranges all along the coast of Juneau, the sight of the clouds being all low and stuff covering up the mountain tops a little bit. It was about dark when I arrive after some delays earlier in the day time. We walk off the airplane and meet most if not all the stuff guys that were there waiting for us. Everything was with except our luggage and that was a pain. Not having all of my stuff with felt very awkward for me and the guys that were on that same flight but eventually the next day we would finally get our things.

I had a chance to meet my action leader for half the summer because staff leave after 6 months and also meet my roommates for the summer too. The next day followed with a little orientation about the project and that things will happen if you're not careful. One of the things that was talked about was bears and you're NOT suppose to run away from them. All you have to do is stand there and look tall and slowly walk away. Everybody thinks that i have the best chance of out running a bear black or brown. I'm not going to say that I can...maybe lol.

Mid-week we attended our first CRU meeting of the summer on the campus of the University of Southeast Alaska. The main speaker talked about what Campus Crusade for Christ is all about mainly serving Christ. After that our action leader took us to our hanging spot after CRU Wednesday nights called Waffle Co. and man their waffles are pretty good! Our Men's group had the opportunity to go to Echo Ranch for a couple days to serve for the people out there and they are really some nice people to work with out there. The first day we worked with them on whatever needed to be fixed up whether it was chopping wood, cherry picking, or working on a 4-wheeler it was great to see all of us starting to come together as one and being there for one another.

The second day out there all we did was play a basketball tournament within all of the action groups and ultimate frisbee. Our team won the tourney without losing one single game it was awesome, followed by a victory in ultimate. As a group we did some silly things out there, but I will not say anything about what we did, haha! But we did have a good campfire at the very end again just bonding and getting to know each other for the first week is very important to build those to you guys next week.

Green-White-Checkered: 3 Questions (My thoughts) P.S.- this is without looking at the sheet

Green: What is the vision of this project?
       A: To put the Gospel with arms reach of everybody in Southeast Alaska...that's really our main focus here everyone needs to know who Jesus is what he can do in peoples lives.

White: What is the mission?
      A: To equip and send out Christ-centered laborers...we can't be selfish all the time, we need to be in a different mindset when we are serving Christ. We must not think about ourselves give it all up to him.

Checkered: What are the core values?
        A: White-hot faith, effective evangelism, authentic relationships, never walking a big unit we each need to take these things to hearts and be serious about them.

Introduce my roommates for the summer that I'm living with-
Action Leader: James (Missouri)
                       Steven F. (Missouri)
                       Eddie (Kansas State)
                       Cody (Missouri)
                       Mike (Wisconsin-Lacrosse)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chapter 8: Juneau Preview

A week from Tuesday, I be on my way to Juneau, Alaska for Men's Summer Project 2011. I will be up there for pretty much most of the summer. But first, there was this past weekend meeting with close friends and meeting new ones. And there is some relaxing thrown in there before the trip...

The first year in Manhattan going to Kansas State is officially in the books and now summer is here. A lot of big things to come in the upcoming months. This first weekend of summer was really good. I had an opportunity to go over to Barton County land to catch up with some of my closest friends. Friday night I arrive in Great Bend, KS after taking care of some things for my apartment in Manhattan. Then once, I arrived in town I when to a concert that one of my friends was putting on. Even though I got there a little late I had the chance to listen to some great music and saw a lot of friendly faces. Some of my friends were fooled because of the fact that I grew out my's always short form last year running track but this year I kind of grew it back out a little bit because I wasn't involved in sports that much this year.

After the concert and everything I finally got settled in at my buddy Matt's place where I'm currently spending the week at his place before my summer trip to Juneau. This past Saturday, I went to Tyler and Nicole Ball graduation from Sterling and now they are done with college! Really happy for my friends following that we celebrated their accomplishments in the afternoon. Had a chance to catch up with some great friends like Jeremy, Brittany, Joann and Trever. As the weekend moved on I met some new friends like Annie, Gwen, Ashley D. and some more.

Later on Saturday night, most of the group played this weird card game called "Flick it." It kind of a fast game but a little bit confusing at first though but slowly I got the hang of the game. Never really heard of this game until came back so I like it a little bit. Sunday, I was back at Grace Community attending church again and once again it always feels like i'm at home we I go there because I went to this church while I was attending at Barton. Still have the many connections that I made at Grace and I'm really thankful for that. Never have I made connections in another place before and to be able keep up with the people who you have met. Overall, I'm just happy that I had a chance to see most of my friends over the weekend and currently right now friends like Katlin, Holly, and Mahlia they are really fun to hangout with...spending time with friends that I've met during my Barton days are always fun! =)

Green-White-Checkered: 3 Topics about Alaska (Juneau)

Green- How did you get opportunity to go to Juneau?
          A: I still have no idea how I ended up going there. My application was moved a few times during the process and during the whole process I did some praying about what God wants me to do this summer and for some funny God mention something about Juneau I don't know what or how but Juneau at first honestly was a joke but it became almost real when I got accepted to this project. Reality will set in once I arrived on a plane, that's right an airplane!

White- Climate
         A: When I think about Alaska I usually think about the cold weather up there and that it is up there all the time. Talking to a lot of people about the weather getting ready for the trip it's suppose to be really mild with some if not a lot of rain. Talking to others as well who have been up there or have relatives up there that it's really, really nice. Anxious to get there and find out.

Checkered- Men's Summer Project 2011
                 A: What I'm looking forward to the most is that fact I will be with 24 other guys and their will be ladies on this trip as but on their own project we will be doing some things together. Just getting to know everyone and where they come from things like that. This is unknown territory for me so I'm ready for just the experience I'm still shocked that I'm going up to Juneau but it's almost here and I'm ready to take that next step.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 7: Kansas State

Summarizing my first year at Kansas State as my first year in Manhattan draws to a close...

Walking into a whole new atmosphere was a little scary not knowing a ton of people, coming from a community college where I had good success. I had a good rhythm going until the first week at Kansas State came up and I wasn't really. The classes were a lot different and you had to but more effort into your studies because these test aren't that easy. Too many good organizations and clubs that you can join. I was kind of you know trying to do everything that was out there since I wasn't involved with athletics anymore. I wanted to focus more on schoolwork instead of running track and I wanted to be involved in something else other than just playing sports and having no time whatsoever to do anything else.

In the middle of first semester, I remember I was still having trouble getting adjusted with everything and at the time I felt that this isn't the right place and I was this close to closing the book on this one real early. But after talking with a few people about what was going on then everything started to come together. Making this transition was maybe the toughest yet looking for some kind of routine anything for that matter. Overall, my first semester at K-State was decent it could have been a little bit better. All in all it could've been worse...someway, somehow I manage to get through it and I didn't do it alone. God really started to change my way of thinking and being more positive than always thinking negative. Things began to turn around for me.

The second semester has been a big improvement from the first, you know trying to find a comfort zone that you really like and staying with. it for the long run. Looking back at all of the events that I have been to this year has been an eye opening experience. First, The Maze which was pretty awesome how that turn out follow by going to Denver and DCC the conference was pretty powerful and then you have retreats, get togethers things like that in between that makes you excited for more things to come.

Spring semester I have been able to find some rhythm and it's been really good. Not all the way quite yet but I'm looking forward to I have next year and hopefully it's going to be even better than the first year was for me. The future looks good so, I'm currently getting ready for finals week. The focus shifts to doing the things right in the classroom  to able to do well on these finals. We are on what they call around here "dead week" that means when you don't get any new material for the week. You are suppose to be reviewing any recent or past things that you have been learning over this past semester. Man, this semester has gone by so fast I feel like I'm finally starting to have some fun now, lol. It's been a really awesome getting to know all of my friends that I've made in this past year, the school isn't quite over but I'm beginning to enjoy my time with the KSU friends.