Trying to find who you are in life can be a very important part of your life. People are always looking for some kind of clues to who they as a person. It really doesn't matter if it's you or your best friend or someone else finding the truth of who you are is important. Since transferring over to Manhattan, I realized that I've changed a little bit but not that much. Trying to find my way through the bigger college I realize that the road is tough and it will always be for me. It has never been easy and it will never get easier as time moves on. Last semester was a challenge and I got through that challenge and now I'm getting a lot closer to finishing up college. I just started a new semester and it's only the beginning but I like the start of it. I'm changing some things up as of late like spending a little more time with homework...on the flip side of that I'm beginning to make a few friends that I got to know last year our hanging out a lot more, I mean a lot, a lot haha! True friendships are forming and I'm really enjoying that. As for my first blog post of the year I'm doing it a little different I will talk about 3 major things that are happening going on around me in society or you can say college. Here are 3 major things for this chapter (Identity).
Denver: About an month and a half ago, I went back to Denver, CO for my second trip to the Denver Christmas Conference. It was another great experience going back up there. Seeing some of the summer project guys up there and reuniting with them for a week was awesome! On the other side of the coin, I got to meet plenty of new faces and make some new friends along the way that was good to do that. The speakers were really good again. Every message that was spoken were right on target to what I needed to strengthen my relationship with God each and every day. I also started reading the book of Genesis over the Christmas break as well so it was nice getting into the word.
Radio Man: Radio has been one awesome experience after another. Like I have never done radio type stuff before this school year. I have told that to a lot of people already but I'm with the sports department for the college station on campus and we do games and other things away from the action itself. I actually did color commentary for the Oklahoma game my first Men's game. Before that I did a couple Women's games already and I plan on doing a couple more games as the Big 12 schedule begins to kind of wind down. I'm getting a lot of good comments from staff and classmates that I'm doing a great job with all. A lot of people say that I have that radio voice and it's pretty good...hmm
Changes?? There might a change coming up or two, lol. Some of my friends that I talked to know what I'm talking about. I'm just getting back in to the whole blogging thing this will be short though. More coming up in the next post about if not or if I did change something.
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