Monday, July 4, 2011

Chapter 14: Men's Summer Project 2011 Series: The MAZE (Part 1)...Week 6

This marks the halfway point of my summer mission trip in Juneau, Alaska. And looking back so far on this trip, I think this week has been the most frustrating one just because of the job situation that 12 of us were put in. But in each situation you need to learn from it and move on. Being angry for a long time doesn't helped the situation, it just makes everything worse; God does things for a reason, he has a plan for each and every one of us. Yeah, it been tough looking for another place to work for just one more month, like not even that 3 or 4 more weeks. It's been a rough go but things are finally starting to calm down for some at least half of us. I will tell you more what I'll be doing with in the month so later.

Coming back from the camping trip weekend at Sawmill and hearing about the news on our job at Fred Meyer and then waiting was annoying. The reason why we were all let go because of the stories didn't meet their budget and other things and I'll leave it like that. The rest of the week has been good, I have been able to hanging out with some of the guys and build that community. One of the important things that Coorts talked about on Monday night. The topic of the night an authentic man need to live a Christ life meaning these 5 things include
1) has an proper relationship with God (there is no plan B)
2) the diet of truth (being real in your faith)
3) having a relationship with other men in the community
4) cutting the availability of our parents; slowly not been disrespectful
5) start being authentic with other guys when we all return to our college campus
We all need to have a true relationship with Christ; it's go to go a long way on our view in life. Tuesday night was one of the favorite things on this summer project that I really enjoyed. We were all encouraging one another saying positive things to each other instead of saying negative things that come out of our mouths. That also can apply to real life as well with anyone. Wednesday night, we had our weekly meeting and the whole announcements were told in story like form and during our information time, I went up in front of the group and told everyone about "The MAZE" which is coming up this Friday in the city of Juneau. In next week blog (Part 2) I will give you guys the rundown on what happen with the MAZE and Jim Munroe...The next month I'll will be possibly work with a Church who has a radio station within the church; their name is Calvary Christian Fellowship-I'll be most likely helping them out with their radio program which is very exciting! Keep us in our prayers this week for The MAZE and that Jim Munroe can have an awesome performance as he also gives his testimony to the city of Juneau. Pray for me as I'm about to make my radio appearance. Talk to guys next week for Part 2.

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