Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 7: Kansas State

Summarizing my first year at Kansas State as my first year in Manhattan draws to a close...

Walking into a whole new atmosphere was a little scary not knowing a ton of people, coming from a community college where I had good success. I had a good rhythm going until the first week at Kansas State came up and I wasn't really. The classes were a lot different and you had to but more effort into your studies because these test aren't that easy. Too many good organizations and clubs that you can join. I was kind of you know trying to do everything that was out there since I wasn't involved with athletics anymore. I wanted to focus more on schoolwork instead of running track and I wanted to be involved in something else other than just playing sports and having no time whatsoever to do anything else.

In the middle of first semester, I remember I was still having trouble getting adjusted with everything and at the time I felt that this isn't the right place and I was this close to closing the book on this one real early. But after talking with a few people about what was going on then everything started to come together. Making this transition was maybe the toughest yet looking for some kind of routine anything for that matter. Overall, my first semester at K-State was decent it could have been a little bit better. All in all it could've been worse...someway, somehow I manage to get through it and I didn't do it alone. God really started to change my way of thinking and being more positive than always thinking negative. Things began to turn around for me.

The second semester has been a big improvement from the first, you know trying to find a comfort zone that you really like and staying with. it for the long run. Looking back at all of the events that I have been to this year has been an eye opening experience. First, The Maze which was pretty awesome how that turn out follow by going to Denver and DCC the conference was pretty powerful and then you have retreats, get togethers things like that in between that makes you excited for more things to come.

Spring semester I have been able to find some rhythm and it's been really good. Not all the way quite yet but I'm looking forward to I have next year and hopefully it's going to be even better than the first year was for me. The future looks good so, I'm currently getting ready for finals week. The focus shifts to doing the things right in the classroom  to able to do well on these finals. We are on what they call around here "dead week" that means when you don't get any new material for the week. You are suppose to be reviewing any recent or past things that you have been learning over this past semester. Man, this semester has gone by so fast I feel like I'm finally starting to have some fun now, lol. It's been a really awesome getting to know all of my friends that I've made in this past year, the school isn't quite over but I'm beginning to enjoy my time with the KSU friends.

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